A collection of pictures representing project work
A quick run down of some of the work I’ve contributed to:
Provided leadership in the development and launch of Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives.
Partnered in the creation of Community Engagement Modules and ODE’s Community Engagement Toolkit with deep credit to Rosa Gonzalez, Facilitating Power, and Movement Strategy Center.
Collaborated with WestEd, community leaders, and ODE staff to develop Engaging Equity - a professional learnign series supporting the development of equitable mindsets, practices, and systems.
Co-developed a Decision-Making Tool for School Leaders making complex decisions amidst COVID-19.
Shared leadership of the Partnership for the Future of Learning including work on Shared Story and facilitating the development of a Community Schools Policy Playbook.
Contributing strategist in a joint project between Wonder and Movement Strategy Center to support funders to invest in youth organizing.
Supporting Teaching Preschool Partners with the development and deployment of a Habits of Mind assessment for their early-childhood centers in Gladstone and Parkrose, with an eye towards it having developmental integrity, work well for educators, and roll-up and work at the state level.
Collaborating on implementation and facilitation of the Epic School Partnership Network.
Leading and learning with the Institute for Democratic Education in America.
Collaborating in framing of YES! Magazine issue #69 “Education Uprising!”
Spirit in Action’s Education Justice Listening Project and Summit
Planning committee member of NDSG 2013 and 2014 in Detroit
Parker Palmer’s book “Healing the Broken Heart of Democracy” (2011)